Pack your suitcase and off to Tesimo

How to reach our 3*** Residence Alpina between Bolzano and Merano
In the heart of Central Europe, between the provincial capital of Bolzano (25 km) and the spa town of Merano (15 km), lies Tesimo - strategically located and easily accessible by all means of transport.

How to reach us ...

... by car

  • From Passo del Brennero
Leave the Brennero Motorway (A22) at the exit Bolzano Sud and take the Speedway MeBo in direction Merano and leave at the exit Vilpiano/Nalles. Follow the signs for Prissiano/Tesimo. In the centre of Tesimo turn left, after the church, in about 100 m you will reach Residence Alpina.
  • From Passo Resia
Follow the main road to Lagundo. Take the Speedway MeBo in direction Bolzano, the exit at Zona Industriale Lana. Follow the signs to Passo Palade/Tesimo. Once you reach the centre of Tesimo, turn right in front of the church and after approx. 100 m you will reach Residence Alpina.

... by bus & train

… by plane

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Until next time!

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
Rabindranath Thakur